You’ve found me! That’s the first step. Now take a deep breath and know that I am here to help, to take some of the
burden off of your shoulders and relieve some of the stress that comes with owning a small business. Whew!Wait…you didn’t take a deep breath. I’m serious. Breath in…………keep breathing in……..hold it…… exhale. Relax your shoulders and close your eyes. Well finish reading this before you close your eyes.What do you love about owning a small business? What keeps you going? What excites you? You should have more time to focus on those things. That is the reason you started this business.Now, what do you loathe about owning a small business? Do you cringe at the site of a spreadsheet? Do you fall asleep at the thought of updating your CRM or trying to even figure it out? Does your website need an overhaul or wait do you have a website? These are some of the things I can help you with.Just imagine there are crazy people out there like myself that love spreadsheets, enjoy CRM systems and working in WordPress. Send me an email or find me on social media and let’s talk about how we can help each other.